Category Archives: inspiration

link love!

happy weekend, lovelies! here are some exciting things and good reads… enjoy!

– in honor of the exciting new opening of the  Cycle Loft in Greensboro, here are  eight reasons to love spin class! (as if we didn’t already…)

this article is incredibly beautiful. “Luxury, in its new context, is the enjoyment of the best in life: the experience of beauty, knowledge, and humanity at their deepest and most inspiring.”

why runners should practice yoga! I mean… why would you not want to practice yoga? But here’s even more motivation.

hellllooo, lovelies. (c’mon. Wouldn’t be right if there wasn’t at least one sweet recipe in here!)

an article that makes a block quote necessary. One of the most empowering things I’ve read in a while: “Your adventure is now, your time is here. Whether you can see the end point or even the middle point is of no importance; the reality is that it’s all happening whether you are trying or not. As long as you bring your authentic self to each step you take, as long as your hellos and goodbyes are more than just letters and syllables strung together, as long as you breathe this air that’s been circulating in our world since the beginning of time and let it sink into your bloodstream, it’s all happening.”

 – more reading, but this is cool

oh my gosh, want.

cute gym hair styles to go with your cute gym clothes? Yes, please.

– and finally, a super cute Easter DIY.




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what is it that gets you out of bed in the morning? Whatever it is, take this week to get up, get out, seek it out, and push harder for it. Right now, commit to letting go of fear and doubt, and  pursuing your passions wholeheartedly,  living life to the absolute fullest. Identify the life you  would live if nothing was stopping you, and then make it happen! 





“Be brave enough to live creatively. The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. You cannot get there by bus, only by hard work, risking and by not quite knowing what you are doing. What you will discover will be wonderful; yourself.”
— Alan Alda

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your weekend prescription of link love!

whether you’re beach bound for spring break, or simply enjoying a lazy, lovely Saturday morning, here’s some link love to brighten up your morning. Enjoy, lovelies!

this is a really awesome weekend DIY! Simple, easy, photographicable, and fun… also, who doesn’t like vanilla?

– an impending transition into the season of vegetables calls for some quick and delicious recipes. Love these, because they’re tasty and nutritious, but won’t require hours of prep and cooking time to create… always a huge bonus.

wanting this so badly right now. As you should be too, if you’re into cookbooks, food, or health. The Thrive Guidebook was a dietary game-changer for me, so the beautifully photographed accompanying cookbook can only be full of all things wonderful.

– if you’re thinking thoughts of raised beds for your spring garden, here is an article that I found really, really helpful when putting together mine.

– valentine’s day may be long gone, but here are some great reasons to keep up the kissing!

crazy easy. crazy yum. another great way to love chickpeas.

– I can’t tell if reading this made me happier about the cold, or just more cold. A nice as it is to have spring on the horizon, this article helps make the tiniest case for appreciation of the long, cold season we’re leaving behind.

– loved this article on weight lifting for females – really interesting stuff, and crucial information for any fitness lover!

– finally, I can’t wait to try out this recipe. Scary, scary good.

“eat like you love yourself. move like you love yourself. speak like you love yourself. act like you love yourself.” – Tara Stiles

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No exceptions.

You can do it. No exceptions.

You can turn your whole world upside down and inside out.

Yes you can.

You can heal and grow and create and manifest miracles.

You can be the change you seek, inspire others and astonish yourself.

Yes you can.

In the very next breath you take, you can begin stepping towards the truth of who you really are with a sense of awesome adventure.

Oh yes you can.

You can make this your year and watch as dreams come true before your eyes.

Oh yes, yes, yes you can.

– Bhava Ram


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benefits of yoga…

… as if we needed more reasons to practice.


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the chakra system: an overview

in honor of our amazing chakra mat (tragically not in the showroom… but definitely worth an online order!), a post breaking down the basic idea of the chakra system seemed to be well warranted. Once you read up on the chakras and the function of the chakra system, go take this quiz… it’s a pretty cool indicator of how open certain chakras are in your life!


So what is the chakra system? In the most basic terms, the chakras are seven centers, through which energy flows in our body. An energy blockage in a certain chakra can lead to emotional, or even physical, ailments, and for that reason it’s important to know how to open each center and let energy flow through it. There are seven different chakras, each located in a particular station of your body, and each marked by a specific color and a distinct set of mental and emotional attributes.

1. Root Chakra – what is it? Located at the base of the spine, this chakra focuses on feeling grounded and at home, stable and secure, and present in this moment and in your physical body. The color associated with this chakra is red. what does it do? An under-active root chakra can cause fear or nervousness, particularly surrounding food and money; whereas too much activity here can cause excessive materialism, greed, and a resistance to change. how to balance it? Yoga-wise, a whole lotta bridge pose can help to open up this lower spinal area. Try simply being mindful of your grounding, both in yoga and in your everyday life – be conscious of where you’re touching the ground, what’s rooting you, and how firm you are in that grounding… and during that mindfulness, eat lot of red and root fruits and veggies (apples, beets, carrots).

2. Sacral Chakra – what is it? Located in the lower abdomen, this beautiful little chakra is what leads us to our feelings. It’s the center of energy for our relationships, as well as our sense of self. The color associated with this chakra is orange. what does it do? An under-active sacral chakra can lead to a stiffness and unwillingness to be open in relationships, and a happily open sacral chakra will leave us with a secure sense of abundance and the freedom to “let go” of excessive control or withheld emotion. how to balance it? Cow face pose is a good one for opening the sacral chakra, and it’s also a really easy one to just hang out it (confession: I’m sitting in it while typing this post!). Pigeon and other hip openers are also great for opening up this area, as long as they feel gentle and natural, never forced or strained. While you’re hanging out in pigeon or cow-faced, munch on some oranges or nuts if you feel like your sacral chakra needs further opening.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra – what is it? Located in the upper abdomen, this chakra is what controls our sense of self-esteem, our confidence, and also our contentment with life. A well-balanced solar plexus chakra leads us to feeling confident, secure, and in-control. The color associated with this chakra is yellow. what does it do? An under-active solar plexus chakra can lead you to be passive and indecisive, feeling the need to constantly self-sacrifice and be liked, but over-activity in this chakra can lead to a domineering and aggressive nature. how to balance it? Boat pose, and other abdominal based poses, are good for opening up this chakra, and a good round of warriors or sun salutes can re-ground you in a strong sense of empowerment and well-being. Or, simply sit and sip on some peppermint tea, and breathe into the incredible being that you are.

4. Heart Chakra – what is it? Spoiler alert here, guys… this chakra is located at the heart, and deals mostly with our ability to love. Way out of left field, this one. But still, incredibly important to know and understand, especially because it is the bridge that connects our lower and higher beings. Balance is so crucial to achieve in this station of energy, just as a love balance is crucial to achieve in life. The color of this chakra is green. what does it do? An under-active heart chakra can lead to feeling cold and distant in relationships, as well as loneliness and shyness; but over-activity in this station can lead to co-dependency, “love smothering,” and entering into emotional relationships for selfish reasons. how to balance it? Yoga-wise, a lot of backbends will help to open up the heart chakra, as well as Eagle Pose.Eat lots of leafy greens, like kale and spinach, and drink green teas (but you should absolutely always do these things anyway…) and mostly just love. Having a daily, active, strong practice of pure, honest, selfless love is the best way to balance this chakra, and your life.

5. Throat Chakra – what is it? Located in the throat, this chakra is our center for communication, self-expression, and openness. Generally, there is an association with an artistic sense of self-expression, and a great verbal diplomacy. It is the center through which we convey our inner self to the outside world.The color of this chakra is light blue. what does it do? An under-active throat chakra can lead you to be quiet, withdrawn, and afraid of speaking out or expressing your opinions; however, an over-active throat chakra can lead to controlling, judgmental, and hurtful speech, as well as being a bad listener. how to balance it? Lots of shoulder stands, or plow pose, can be really helpful in opening up this chakra. Also, drinking lots of water, eating lots of fruit, and singing as much as possible. Three things that are, in my opinion, necessary components of a happy and healthy life at all times!

6. Third Eye Chakra – what is it? The third eye chakra is located on the forehead, between the eyes, and is the center for our perception. It is this chakra that allows us to focus, to see the bigger picture, and to perceive spiritual matters. The color of this chakra is indigo. what does it do? An under-active third eye chakra can result in problems thinking for yourself or forming your own opinions, and may lead to cloudy thoughts or dull understandings; however, if this chakra is under-active, you may find yourself fantasizing and dreaming too much, instead of being present and aware in this moment. how to balance it? To balance this chakra, the best recommendation I can give would be to take time to sit still, close your eyes, and really be drawn in to your mind and senses. Do a few supported forward-bends, and while doing so, meditate on positive images of yourself and your life.

7. Crown Chakra what is it? The seventh and final chakra is located at the very crown of your head, and is your center for consciousness and enlightenment. It is in this center that you connect to the spiritual world, allows you to tap fully into the wisdom that is available to you, and to truly be one with the world. The color for this chakra is violet. what does it do? It balances the way that you know and understand the spiritual matters of the world – if this chakra is under-active, then you may find yourself less spiritually aware, and perhaps more rigid and closed off to matters regarding spirituality. However, if this chakra is over-active, you may find yourself living too much in your head, over-intellectualising matters and maybe becoming a little egotistical. how to balance it? Run! At last, cardio meets the chakras. The saying “running to clear your head” is literally exactly what this chakra calls for – run, and engage in other cardiovascular activities to balance out your crown chakra. Also, fresh air, sunshine, and meditation help with the clearing and balance of this energy center.

If you wanted to do a bit more reading or research on the chakra system, I found that mindbodygreen has some really fascinating articles on the subject, and the yoga journal has a cool article breaking down the function of the chakras and suggesting asanas to balance them out. Enjoy!  

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link love for the remnants of winter

we got our big snow of the season in, so now maybe we can start looking towards spring? I don’t know about you, but I’m really ready for running shorts and tank tops, all day every day. Until then, though, here are a few fantastic links to get you through the last of these winter days!

– in an attempt to celebrate winter while it’s still here, this delicious cocktail is an awesome way to savor the flavor of the season… and an excellent reason to throw a dinner party!

– and if that doesn’t work, one of my favorite bloggers wrote this helpful list on how to fight the winter blues.

– STILL feeling chilly? Here are a few simple foods to keep you warm in the winter.

this little article really helped remind me how important it is to say “thank you”… to anyone and everyone!

– needing something sweet to make? check these beauties out… and make sure to bring a few by the showroom if you have extras!

– craving adventure, or even just a little change? read this, and then do something once a day that scares you.

– I thought that this was an awesome post-Valentine’s Day read… a great reminder that love lies in the simple things, the little details, not always just the grand gestures. Too beautiful. If you’re here, savor it. If you’re not, hope in it, and wait for it.

– and finally, even though things aren’t quite in bloom yet, here are some beautifully simple flower arrangements to brighten up your space.

have a fantastic week, lovelies!

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book review: the happiness project


this isn’t always the easiest time of year to sit down and read a book – it seems like these early months of the year always bring with them the largest amount of “stuff” to tend to. However, if you can find the time for one book this season, I highly recommend you make it Gretchen Rubin’s “The Happiness Project.” Well-researched, organized, funny, insightful, and so very applicable, this book did an amazing job of boosting my spirits, as well as re-aligning my outlook on life. Here are just a few of the lessons I took away from it, and once you read it (or if you’ve already read it), I’d love to hear what spoke to you most!

1. Hug more – for some reason, this was the lesson that stuck out to me the most from this book. I remember very distinctly being at Whole Foods when reading this little section on hugging, and immediately wracking my brain for who in my life was close enough for a quick and easy hug fix. Sounds alarming, but it was that compelling – apparently, hugging is actually a really healthy activity in which to engage. Six seconds of hugging “is the minimum time necessary to promote the flow of oxytocin and serotonin, mood-boosting chemicals that promote bonding,” and hugging “relieves stress, boosts feelings of closeness, and even squelches pain. In one study, people assigned to give five hugs each day for a month, aiming to hug as many different people as they could, became happier.” So get out and hug someone.

2. Love is shown through actions – Gretchen quotes Pierre Reverdy in her chapter on love, saying “‘There is no love; there are only proofs of love.’ Whatever love I might feel in my heart, others will only see my actions.” This segues excellently from the first lesson – hug more, as a proof of love. But this is a solid and meaningful truth, and one that I often forget. No matter how much we may love a person, they only see that love manifested through our actions towards and around them. Be it gifts, acts of service, or simply taking time to look someone in the eye and let them know that you see and acknowledge them as a beautiful and meaningful individual, I think that we could all benefit by trying to incorporate more of these love-actions into our daily lives.

3. Aim higher, and don’t EVER be stopped by fear of failure – this final mini-lesson is such a crucial, and constantly applicable, one. The book has an entire chapter about what it means to try and “aim higher,” as well as some different ways to do this, but the one that stuck out the most to me was to try to enjoy the fun of failure, instead of fearing it. So often, we’re held back from our dreams by one thing, and one thing only: ourselves. Our fear, our anxiety, our worry, these things prevent us from ever even trying. So what if we learned to look at failure as fun, instead of terrifying. Gretchen says, “To counteract the this fear, I told myself, ‘I enjoy the fun of failure.’ It’s fun to fail, I kept repeating. It’s part of being ambitious; it’s part of being creative.” To fail means we tried something beyond our comfort zone, learned something about ourselves, and built a foundation on which to try again. Maybe it’s trying a yoga inversion for the first time, signing up for a marathon, starting your own blog, or whatever else it could be, don’t ever let fear of failure keep you from living your life to the fullest.

Those are just a little smattering of the lessons I gleaned from this lovely read, but there are millions more in there, some great moments and truly insightful musings. The book follows Gretchen as she cleans closets, sings through stress, and pursues happiness in every corner of her life, and I feel like along the way, she stumbles across some great tools for truly living in, and loving, the moment.


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a pinch of wisdom


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get up, get out!

it’s cold. but you can still use this weekend to rock life! get out of bed, get off the computer, throw on some wunder unders, and get out to rock life.





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